Will Lawyer in Houston TX

Excluding Heirs & Making Updates to your Estate Plans

You may or may not have specific plans for how you want your estate carried out after you pass away. You want your loved ones to benefit from your wealth, but you may also want to exclude certain people connected to you.  We can help with these decisions.

It is important to know that if you were to pass away unexpectedly without a written will, the state of Texas laws will govern who will inherit your assets. Make sure your wishes are clearly written out and formalized in a last will and testament for those you leave behind.

Estate Planning and Stipulating Your Exact Heirs

As stated above, you might want to specifically exclude some people from gaining access to the assets you leave behind. The more specific you can be, the easier and quicker it will be to transfer the money and other assets to your loved ones.

We can help you with documents that legally protect your wealth from being transferred to the wrong people or entities. Having this done properly gives you, your family, friends, and other loved ones the peace of mind that your wishes will be fulfilled correctly.

Estate Planning and Making Changes to Your Will

Over time, you may want or need to update or revise your last will and testament. This is very common after a big life event – such as birth of a child, marriage, divorce, death in the family, etc. When you are ready to do so, we are happy to consult with you to make the changes. Never write your own revisions on your previously executed documents. If you do, those revisions will likely not hold up in court.