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New Year, New Resolutions… include getting your estate plans done.

It’s the end of 2021 and I am sure most of us are ready to head into the future with 2022.  It is also time for resolutions – time to get in shape, eat better, sleep more, be kind, whatever it might be. Let me strongly suggest you add estate planning to your resolutions. Now is a perfect time to get your best wishes on paper for your hard-earned dollars and assets and property, to take care of your family, friends and charities you love, and to truly set your family up for success, less stress and less arguments when you pass away. 

2021 has truly shown me that having a Will in place is a must do.  Yes, I am an estate planning attorney by trade, so I understand this, but the heart breaking stories when there is no Will have been many this year. I have had countless phone calls from potential clients that have siblings fighting over mom passing away and there being no Will in place.  One sibling is squatting in mom’s house and won’t leave or won’t agree to sell the property.  Fixing this is costly and emotional and you might have to sue your family to partition the property.  I have also seen multiple generations with no Will and now 30+ people own a small part of the same subdivision lot – not ideal for anyone, and again, costly, time consuming, and not necessary if people had just planned in the first place. And I have heard numerous times, well we have retirement accounts and life insurance, so we are good to go, right?  Not so true when you own a house, car, personal property, etc. These are all probate assets and pass either according to your Will or according to the state of Texas inheritance rules (and no the state will not “get” your property, some family member out there, even if far down the list of a relationship to you, will eventually get it).

So I am here to say that getting your Will done does not have to be stressful. In fact, my goal is always to take the stress away and leave you feeling relief that it is done. Make a 2022 resolution to get your Will done. I know you will be happy you did and I am happy to help.